Our school library is an organised collection of study and teaching material aimed at pupils, teachers and other staff alike. The Reference Section has a variety of standard encyclopaedias, dictionaries and standard reference books on almost all topics at the school level. The library is fully computerized. There is also a leased line internet connection for the school and students are allowed to use the internet facility on any day. Students are allowed to borrow books and retain them for a period of two weeks. They are also given ample time for reference work while they make use of the large number of reference books that are available. We have a well -qualified librarian, whois always ready to render any help to the users of the library.
The library has also a Xerox machine for taking copies of any relevant article from the reference section of the library. The facilities, material, equipment and staff of the school library as well as its operations are organised in such a way that they support learning within the pedagogic goals of the school.